Next step: tropics!
I’m leaving my kangaroos tomorrow.
After an amazing two weeks in great company, it’s time for me to follow the wind, one more time. I’m going back to Alice Springs tomorrow. 700 km north. I was planning to hitch hike, but today, a tour group stopped at the orphanage. I talked with the guide. They have a room for me in the bus, and they’re going to take me up to Erldunda (yes, the same place I get stuck for 7 hours on my way south). I’m definitely more optimistic for the ride north. I’ll have only 250 km to go, I don’t think it’s going to be too complicate. There’s an open-mic evening in Alice Springs tomorrow night. I don’t want to miss it, as it might be the very first time I’ll be telling a story in english! Definitely want to hear that! Might need a couple of beer thought…
Staying in Alice for a few days, and leaving next thursday. Heading north again. On a van relocation, as usual. I’ve find a way of traveling I’m really starting to like I think! Two passengers with me. No stranger this time. Mara, will be coming with her flute and her lovely voice, and Gabrielle, with her violin. It’s going to be a pretty interesting music experimental trip I think. Four days to drive north do Darwin. 1,500 km. Easy one! Arriving in Darwin on sunday afternoon. I have no idea if we can swim in the Timor Sea, somewhere in Darwin. Hope so… it will be my first time in the tropics, I’m expecting warm water (as well as crocodiles, for what I know). We’ll cross the tropic line a hundred km north of Alice Springs.
Just one night in Darwin (for the moment). On monday morning, I’ll be hitch hiking south with Mara. 300 km, to go back to Katherine. We’re gong to spend one or two weeks in an aboriginal Art Center. Yes, an other Helpx experience. When I told Terry and Jo where I was going, they told me “ah! They are on helpx because of us! Very friendly people”. I had exactly the same comment from Cassie. Good news!
Don’t really know how the internet connexion will be going. There will be a post, tomorrow during the day (ah, the magic of auto-posting!) but after that, as usual… who knows!