Tête en bas

Down under wandering. Archipelagoes to islands; beaches to deserts; mountains to cities.

Edith Falls

  • English: Edith Falls
  • Français: Edith Falls

I finally said good bye to Mara. She’s taking the plane in a few hours. And I’m driving back slowly to Katherine. Just want to take my time. I do a quick first stop, close to the springs, to have a look to the river, and go back on the road.

I’ll do an other detour, stopping at Edith Falls, where I also take the time for a small walk, in order to see the falls. It’s nice to be back walking. Haven’t done that for a while! When I reach the lake, I have a look to the water. I look the falls. Look the water again. Check the warmth. To cold for me. Definitely to cold. Well… that’s what I usually say. But I’ve decided to fight with this fear of cold water for a little while now. I’m just tired of seeing all those amazing place to swim, but staying on the shore, because I don’t want to swim in cold water. There was a time when it didn’t bother me. I’m quite cold proof outside, in the air. I do love water. It’s time for me to start swimming in cold water again. Put my feet. Put my knees. It’s really cold. Just a bad time to go through. I’m thinking. Water is part of me as much as I’m part of water. That’s just as simple as that. Water is my element, she’s waiting for me. I dive. It’s cold. I swim. Done. Not cold anymore. Of course, I knew this was going to happen. I’m laughing. I’m happy. I haven’t done that for ages! Swim up to the falls, swim back. Feeling so well!

Walk back to the car, and go back on the road.

Back in Katherine, I have a quite anxious message from Toni. Seems that we had a misunderstanding about the car, and she doesn’t understand why she can’t reach me. I meet her a little bit later. We have a talk about that. I give the car back, it will be easier.

I’m a little bit lost, in the middle of Katherine, not really knowing where to go now… I’m not going anywhere… spend a little while on internet, before I decide it could be a good idea to find a place to stay. The first hostel is closed. The second one too. I try a motel, but it’s way to expensive for me. I jump into a cab, who drive me to a campground, with better price. I’m back in my tent, in a campground with no soul, on the side of the road. Coming back to really is, sometime, a difficult experience!

One Response to “Edith Falls

  1. June 16th, 2012 at 2:11 am

    Sébastien Chion says:

    There was a little problem with the second gallery. Looks like I forget to upload the pictures… pictures are now uploaded. Enjoy 🙂