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Back to Kings Canyon

  • English: Back to Kings Canyon
  • Français: Back to Kings Canyon

I was looking forward visiting Kings Canyon again. I still don’t have any preference between Kata Tjuta, Uluru and Kings Canyon. The feeling is different in all those places. The energy is different too. In Kings Canyon, there’s nothing sacred. It’s only about the amazingness of the landscape. You already saw that in my previous picture, a few weeks ago. That’s good, because my battery died just after we start the walk. We did it taking all our time, chatting, being flabbergasted every 10 minutes or so. And then, we arrived at the Eden Garden. Motivated after my great success at Edith Falls, I was carrying my swimsuit. Just in case. I forget about the idea when I discovered that just putting my big toes in the water was to hard.

We’ve completed the walk slowly, before heading back to the car. We saw the english couple again. The one we first met in Erldunda and then in Uluru. Heading to a new campground after that, for our usual quiet evening.

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